Botanical Models
In addition to our fine Anatomical models, we also offer the range of SOMSO® Botanical models. Each model demonstrate’s SOMSO®’s commitment to highest standards of accuracy and modelling. Their philosophy is “Nature is Our Model”.
Close collaboration with scientific institutions ensures that each model represents the most up to date scientific knowledge and as such are a leading choice in many schools, biology colleges, botany departments and scientific education throughout the world.
All models are assembled and painted entirely by hand and stringent quality controls maintain workmanship and accuracy. Most of the models are mounted on distinctive green bases with separate detailed and accurate description keys and are made of durable and recyclable SOMSO-PLAST®.
We offer a full five year warranty on all our SOMSO® Models. This applies to models which have been used correctly and covers durability and functionality. Only genuine SOMSO® models can bear the distinctive SOMSO® Sun logo.
To view our comprehensive range please select from the categories below. If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to Contact Us.