Adam,Rouilly  /  Products  /  Clinical Skills Simulators  /  Bronchoscopy  /  Ultrasonic Bronchoscopy Simulator
Skills and Features


For training in: 

  • Ultrafine bronchoscopy and
  • Endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) 
  • Visualising ultrasonic bronchoscopy images embedded in the puncture site enables realistic definitive diagnosis of cancer metastases to the hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes as well as practical training for puncturing the target lymph node


  • Made from a special silicone
  • The elasticity of the material gives a remarkably life like sensation and is similarly coloured to the human body
  • Head enables insertion of ultrasonic bronchoscope from the oral cavity and confirmation of the bifurcation of the bronchi and oesophagus
  • Ultrathin bronchoscopes can be inserted up to the 5th generation bronchi (51 ai α AND 51 ai β)
  • The bronchi main body and bronchi support stand can be removed from the case
Additional Information


  • Head, bronchi main body, puncture site, instruction manual and storage case



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SKUProduct NamePriceAction
AK099BHead ModelPrice on requestView Product
AK099APuncture SitePrice on requestView Product