Adam,Rouilly  /  Products  /  Anatomical Models  /  Urinary Organs  /  Kidney, Nephron and Renal Corpuscle
Skills and Features


  • Models MU7, MU9, and MU5, in SOMSO-PLAST®
  • Mounted together on one green board
    • MU7 RIGHT KIDNEY (available as an individual model upon request)
      • Weight 1 kg
      • H 32 cm, W 26 cm, D 7 cm
      • On a green board
      • Cannot be disassembled
      • Schematic representation of a nephron with its collecting duct system (loop of Henle)
      • Frontal section from behind, renal pyramid with their papillae entering the partly opened renal pelvis
      • Enlarged approximately 3 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®
      • MU9 NEPHRON (available as an individual model upon request)
        • Enlarged approximately 120 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®
        • The model shows two nephrons with renal corpuscles, renal tubules, and collecting duct system
        • Cannot be disassembled
        • On a green board
        • H 32 cm, W 26 cm, D 4 cm
        • Weight 710 g
      • MU5 RENAL CORPUSCLE (available as an individual model upon request)
        • Also called Malpighian corpuscle, enlarged approximately 700 times, in SOMSOPLAST®
        • The model shows the afferent arteriole, the efferent arteriole, the capillaries of the glomerulus, the urinary pole, and the Bowman’s capsule
        • Cannot be disassembled
        • On a green board
        • H 32 cm, W18.5 cm, D 9 cm
        • Weight 840 g
  • In one piece
  • H 30 cm, W 65 cm, D 9 cm
  • Weight 3.25 kg
Additional Information
