Seymour II Wound Care Model™ Package, Light
Adam,Rouilly offers a wide selection of Clinical Skills Simulators - Pressure Wound & Bedsore Care This Special Offer Sale Price Package VATA ™ Seymour II Wound Care Model™ includes carrying case. An effective tool for pressure wound and bedsore care techniques.
See more detailsSkills Gained
- Skills assessment
- Competency testing
- Dressing techniques
- Negative wound therapy
- Measurement of wound length, depth, undermining and tunneling
- Great care has been taken to hand paint each wound just as you would see it on a patient for the most life-like patient training scenario
- Wound assessment has become critical to the operation of health professionals, as inaccurate wound assessment can misdirect the care plan, cause inaccurate reporting of patient outcomes and the appearance of potential adverse events
- Routine cleansing and dressing changes can be taught and practiced on all the wounds by healthcare providers, patients, families, and caregivers.
- The Seymour patient simulation model makes it possible to visualize and understand the differences in wounds
- This wound care model is a great tool for training, competency testing, skills assessment, dressing techniques and use of negative pressure wound therapy devices.
- Wound care simulation model displays the following pressure injuries:
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Stage 3 with undermining
- Tunneling
- Subcutaneous fat
- Slough
- Deep Stage 4 with exposed bone with osteomyelitis, undermining, tunneling, subcutaneous fat, eschar and slough
- DTPI (Deep Tissue Pressure Injury)
- Unstageable full eschar/slough wound
- 5 ½” dehisced wound
- Unique flexible life-like material permits the placement of dressings
- For use with negative pressure wound therapy devices (without adhesive residue)
- Incredibly lifelike, most comprehensive model of its kind
- An effective tool for educating healthcare professionals and patients in the identification and staging of wounds and their probable etiologies
- Once the different etiologies are understood, treatment plans can be discussed and devised to deliver optimal patient outcomes.
- Life-like material that permits the application and easy removal of wound dressings, without leaving adhesive residue
- The Stage 3 and Stage 4 are positioned so that a “bridging” dressing for use with a vacuum-assisted closure and negative pressure wound therapy devices can be demonstrated and practiced
- AV910 Seymour II Wound Care Model™
- AV901 Carrying Case
- Washable with soap & water