Skills and Features


  • Train students in the proper techniques used to control severe bleeding:
  • Direct Pressure
  • Pressure Points
  • Tourniquet
  • Care and handling of an arm with a severed thumb
  • Students can be taught how to react in an emergency and select the appropriate method to control bleeding and treat the wound


  • Realistic appearance and function, looks and feels like a real arm
  • Artificial blood can be made to flow from either the cut on the forearm or from the severed thumb, or from both at the same time
  • Bleeding rate can be regulated to create venous or arterial flow
  • Blood returns to collection tray for reuse
  • Pressure points function realistically at wrist and upper arm
Additional Information


  • Arm with wound
  • Severed thumb
  • Collection tray
  • Arterial pulse bulb
  • Venous supply bag
  • Artificial blood (500 ml)


Nasco Healthcare

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