Adam,Rouilly  /  Products  /  Anatomical Models  /  Nose / Tongue / Larynx Models  /  Larynx With Trachea
Skills and Features


  • Enlarged approximately twice, in SOMSO-PLAST®
  • Larynx and trachea can be separated at the level of the 6th tracheal cartilage
  • Larynx separates into 2 parts, medially
  • The right thyroid cartilage, the cricothyroid muscle, and the thyrohyoid muscle are removable
  • The trachea shows its structure, bifurcation into the main bronchi, and division into the lobular bronchi
  • Separates into 6 parts
  • On a stand with green base
  • H 58 cm, W 39 cm, D 26 cm
  • Weight 2.35 kg
Additional Information
