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How does Adam,Rouilly stay relevant in the world of anatomical sciences education?

Pictured above at the April 2024 IAS meeting are: Julien Bussell, Wolf Vision, Desiree Botana Machado, IAS Deputy Meetings Organiser (Prosector, University of Liverpool), Brian Thompson, IAS Public Relations Officer (Technical Manager for the School of Anatomy University of Sunderland) John Ben, IAS President, Kate Tilyard, UK Sales Development, Adam, Rouilly.

Adam,Rouilly has been at the forefront of medical education since 1918, working closely with healthcare professionals, hospitals and universities in offering anatomical models which support advances in knowledge and training.

We do this through our involvement with the UK’s three main societies representing anatomical science:

The three organisations work collaboratively to further research and development in all aspects of the anatomical sciences field.

By working with all three societies, we can ensure the products we supply remain relevant to the needs of medical training and education, both now and for the future.

Each society has two meetings per year, which generally include agenda items such as presentations, keynote speeches, roundtable discussions, news about the latest developments, training sessions, workshops, mentoring and networking opportunities. Attending these meetings enables us to build on relationships established over many years with academics and students as they progress through their careers.

Marking 40 years of the IAS

Our longest association is with the IAS, which is marking its 40th anniversary this year. We joined just two years after it was founded and have been participating in its meetings at universities and medical centres across the UK ever since.

The IAS is a growing international group of anatomy and anatomy-related professionals, dedicated to sharing knowledge, techniques and practices. It also delivers educational programmes such as anatomical technique workshops, skeletal preparations and embalming dissection/prosection, alongside formal qualifications.

Led by an impressive and diverse Council of sector experts who give their time freely, the society’s appeal extends to veterinary sciences as well as human anatomy.

Various members of Adam,Rouilly, including Jenny, Michael and Emily Whitebread, as well as other employees, have contributed towards the work of IAS over the years.

Jenny and Michael were awarded lifetime Honorary Membership of the IAS in 2017 in recognition of their support for the society over the years. In 2022, the IAS made a special presentation to Michael to mark his 60th anniversary with Adam,Rouilly.

Enhancing our anatomical sciences knowledge

Attending and participating in IAS meetings, lectures and workshops for almost 40 years has enabled us to gain a deeper understanding of the work being done in anatomical sciences and to stay up to date with cutting-edge developments.

In turn, we can show what we are working on and seek feedback on our models. We often take relevant material along to support themes being discussed.

Jenny and Michael Whitebread are pictured at a 2022 IAS meeting held at the University of St Andrews’ School of Medicine, in Scotland.

We’ve also delivered a wide variety of presentations on topics including:

  • The evolution of anatomical models
  • Diversity and inclusivity in anatomy teaching
  • Extending the useful life of resources
  • A history of Adam,Rouilly

The most recent meeting was held in April 2024 and was the first attended by Kate Tilyard, UK Sales Development, Adam, Rouilly. IAS members were shown around Keele Medical School and The Harper and Keele Veterinary School.

Kate said: “Keele Medical School is very diverse and innovative. Paul Clews, Anatomy and Technical Services Manager, and his team, made us very welcome. In addition to anatomy and clinical skills, they provide outside surgical training courses for students and upskilling doctors.

“A talk was given by Mr Ajith George, Consultant Head & Neck Surgeon, who teaches surgical skills at Keele, and is extremely forward thinking in terms of his techniques in surgery with the use of VR to assist in procedures. Luke Welsh, Director of Anatomy, is keen to support different teaching techniques.

“The new Harper and Keele Veterinary School is run by Ian Freeman who gave us an in-depth tour of the impressive facility which currently has 112 students on a five-year course. I was very impressed by the inventive use of their teaching spaces, giving students lots of open space to study and reflect.”

Kate was also pleased to have met several technical staff who use and care for Adam,Rouilly supplied SOMSO® models in their labs. She was delighted to show them a new cover for the popular MC6 Half of Head Model which has been designed to protect it when not in use.

It’s the little extras that make all the difference!

We’re really looking forward to connecting with you at the forthcoming meetings taking place throughout the summer.

If you’d like to learn more about what we do, please contact us for a chat or to request a catalogue.