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Product categories
- Uncategorised
- Abdominal Examination
- Abdominal Examination
- Advanced Life Support (ALS)
- Advanced Life Support (ALS)
- Amniocentesis / Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
- Amphibians
- Anatomical Charts
- Anatomical Models
- Anatomy / Structure / Function Charts
- Anatomy & Morphology
- Andrology / Pelvic Examination
- Andrology / Pelvic Examination
- Animal Development
- Anthropological Models
- Arterial Puncture / Blood Gas
- Arthropods
- Arthroscopy
- Auscultation
- Babycare
- Bandaging
- Basic Life Support (BLS)
- Biopsy
- Biopsy
- Blood Glucose Monitoring & Diabetes
- Blood Pressure
- Bones - Extremities / Joints
- Bones - Individual
- Bones - Skeleton
- Bones - Skull
- Bones - Vertebral Column
- Botanical Models
- Breast Examination
- Breast Models
- Bronchoscopy
- Bronchoscopy
- Casualty Simulation
- Catheterisation
- Catheterisation
- Central Line / CVC / PICC / Vascular Access
- Chest Drain / Pleural Effusion / Tension Pneumothorax
- Circulatory Organs/Heart
- Clinical Skills Simulators
- Clinical Skills Simulators
- Comparative Anatomy
- Cricoid Pressure
- Cricothyrotomy
- Defibrillation / AED
- Dicotyledenous Plants
- Digestive Organs
- Disinfectant for Models
- Ear / Eye Examination
- Ear Models
- Ear Syringing
- Embryonic Development/Birth Models
- Empathy Training
- Empathy Training
- Endoscopy / Colonoscopy
- Endoscopy / Colonoscopy
- Episiotomy / Perineal Repair
- Extremities / Joints
- Eye Models
- Ferns
- Foreign Body Identification
- Fruit Models
- Fungi
- Fungi - Microscopic
- Genital Organ Models
- Gymnosperms
- Gynaecology / Pelvic Examination
- Gynaecology / Pelvic Examination
- Haemodialysis
- Head / Brain / Nervous System
- Health Awareness
- Hip Examination - Paediatric
- Horsetails
- Inactive
- Injection - Intradermal / Intramuscular / Subcutaneous
- Injection - Intraosseous (IO)
- Injection - Joint
- Instruments
- Invertebrates
- Micro-organisms
- Minor Surgery & Skin Pads
- Minor Surgery & Skin Pads
- Molluscs
- Monocotyledenous Plants
- Muscle Figures
- Nasogastric Feeding / Tube Care / Management
- Nose / Tongue / Larynx Models
- Nose Bleed / Epistaxis
- Nursing Dolls
- Obstetrics / Antenatal Examination / Birthing
- Obstetrics / Antenatal Examination / Birthing
- Obstetrics / Antenatal Examination/Birthing
- Paracentesis / Ascitic Drain
- Paracentesis / Ascitic Drain
- Pelvic Models
- Pericardiocentesis / TEE / TTE
- Pressure Wound & Bedsore Care
- Product Disabled
- Rectal Examination / Enema Administration
- Rectal Examination / Enema Administration
- Regional Anaesthesia / Lumbar Puncture / Pain Management
- Reptiles
- Rescue Manikins
- Rhinoplasty
- Sale Products
- Skin / Hair Models
- Spare
- Spare
- Spare
- Stoma / Ostomy Care
- Suprapubic Catheterisation
- Teeth / Jaw Models
- Torso Models
- Tracheostomy / Tracheotomy
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasound
- Urinary Organs
- Venepuncture / Cannulation / Infusion / Injection
- Venepuncture / Cannulation / Infusion / Injection
- Venous Cutdown
- Vertebrates
- Veterinary Models
- Wearables / Hybrid Simulation / Age Simulation
- Wearables / Hybrid Simulation / Age Simulation
- X-Ray & Radiographic Positioning
- Zoological Models
- AB K Waldemar Larsson
- Abacus dx New Zealand
- Adam,Rouilly Ltd
- Al-Geel Trading Company
- Alfrend Swantex
- Arab Medical Instruments & Equipment
- Armstrong Medical Industries Inc
- Artech Biomed (Pvt) LTD
- Bertas A.S
- Biomed International (Pvt) Ltd
- C. Georgiou (Lab Supplies) Ltd
- Cardiac Services (Ireland) Ltd
- Cardiac Services Ltd (Northern Ireland)
- Civiam Comercio Importacao Exportacao Ltda
- Data-Medica
- Don Shudar International PTE
- Foremost Scientific Corporation
- Four D E.M. Co Ltd
- Goodwin Healthcare Technologies Ltd
- GT Simulators by Global Technologies
- Helago SK, s.r.o.
- Helago-CZ s.r.o.
- Iljin Scientific Inc
- Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Interscience Sdn Bhd
- ITS Science & Medical PTE Ltd
- La Nuova Didattica s.r.l.
- Leader Healthcare
- Leader Healthcare
- Leader Healthcare
- Leader Healthcare
- Leader Healthcare
- Live Wire Learning
- MarcaLab
- Medi Tec-NS
- Medi-Fischer
- Medical Simulator S.L.
- Mice Groupe SARL
- Multimed Sp. z o.o.
- Nihon Light Service Inc
- Nordic Simulators Oy
- Novalife Company
- Oniko
- PT Global Jaya Medika
- Qualified Trading Co., Ltd
- Sanolabor d.d.
- Scan Medical
- Scandidact Aps
- Shenzhen Master Technology Co., Ltd
- Sim Era
- Simedu Sp. z o.o.
- Skills Med Deutschland GmbH
- Skills Meducation
- Songur Company Limited
- Southern Biological
- Speeding Kft
- Stiv Med
- Survival Technology(Pty) ltd
- TAQ Systems Medicos, S.A. de C.V.
- Technoline Ltd
- Vincent Leermiddelen Scientific
- WorldPoint
News & Events
- Adam,Rouilly Centenary
- Adam,Rouilly develops a life-saving model with the Spinal Injuries Association.
- Adam,Rouilly Hungry Manikin takes centre stage in the creation of a world-first tube feeding course
- Adam,Rouilly on the road: Two major International Conferences
- Adam,Rouilly’s partnership with SOMSO®– celebrating almost 100 years as authorised UK and Ireland distributor
- Creating the best simulation suites for T Level healthcare education
- Diversity in the SOMSO® Range
- Enhancing training for maternity services with lifelike simulation models
- From British Army request to top-selling model – the 40-year history of the Adam,Rouilly Injection Arm
- From engineering to innovation: Celebrating women who have made a difference at Adam,Rouilly #IWD
- GlucoHand® Simulator Developed by Adam,Rouilly and Coventry University Professor
- How Adam,Rouilly models are supporting prostate cancer awareness
- How does Adam,Rouilly stay relevant in the world of anatomical sciences education?
- Improving healthcare through simulation in the ‘City of 100 Spires’
- Increasing our knowledge at the Nasco World Training Event
- Meet Debra Enhanced® – the new and improved Impacted Fetal Head simulator
- National Toothache Day – how Adam,Rouilly Models are helping raise awareness to improve patient outcomes in oral hygiene
- Placement of NG tubes – Safety in Training Leads to Safety in Practice
- SALE NOW ON! Achieve more for less!
- Seven essential teaching aids for maternity and obstetrics
- The Adam,Rouilly seal of approval: Partnering with only the best providers of healthcare simulation equipment
- Top seven simulators and task trainers for T Levels highlighted as part of T Levels Week